Lig talofibulare anterius

The anterior talofibular ligament is a ligament in the ankle. It passes from the anterior margin of the fibular malleolus, anteriorly and laterally, to the talus bone, in front of its lateral articular facet.

Latin: Ligamentum talofibulare anterius

Can you walk with a torn anterior talofibular ligament?

Grade II. Grade II sprains involve a partial tear of the calcaneofibular ligament (CFL) and a full tear of the anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL). This degree of sprain limits the ability to walk, creates instability and causes local bruising and swelling.

What does anterior talofibular mean?

The anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) is part of the lateral collateral ligament complex of the ankle. Its role is to stabilize the talus. It is also the weakest of the lateral collateral ankle ligaments.

What does the ankle anterior drawer test test for?

The Prone Anterior Drawer Test of the ankle is an orthopaedic test used to assess the integrity of the lateral collateral ligaments of the ankle viz: anterior talofibular, calcaneofibular and posterior talofibular ligaments.

What happens if you tear your anterior talofibular ligament?

Complete tears of the main ligament (ATFL-anterior talofibular ligament) are usually accompanied by more pain, difficulty weightbearing, swelling and discoloration to the outside of the ankle. These ligament injuries require immobilization to allow the ligament to heal primarily.

What are the 3 bones that make up the ankle?

The ankle is a large joint made up of three bones:

  • The shin bone (tibia)
  • The thinner bone running next to the shin bone (fibula)
  • A foot bone that sits above the heel bone (talus)


How long does it take for the anterior Talofibular ligament to heal?

Conclusions/Recommendations: In the studies that we examined, it took at least 6 weeks to 3 months before ligament healing occurred. However, at 6 weeks to 1 year after injury, a large percentage of participants still had objective mechanical laxity and subjective ankle instability.

Where is the syndesmosis?

The syndesmosis is a fibrous joint held together by ligaments. It's located near the ankle joint, between the tibia, or shinbone, and the distal fibula, or outside leg bone. That's why it's also called the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis. It's actually made up of several ligaments.