Hayat eve sığar

What is a Hayat Eve Sigar HES code?

During controlled social life conditions, HES (Hayat Eve Sığar – Life Fits Into Home) code helps you safely share your Covid-19 risk status with institutions and individuals for activities like transportation or visit. Shared HES codes can be checked through the app or services provided to institutions.

How do I get HES code for foreigners?

Foreigners can get HES code only by SMS. There is no other way to get this code by passport. This way available only for foreigners who does not have Foreigner ID Number. Foreigner gets HES code by sending SMS to 2023 with his/her passport information.

How do I register on Hayat Eve Sigar?

You must fill in the form in https://register.health.gov.tr when you enter to Turkey. Your HES code is generated depending the information you provided in the form. Aforementioned form must be filled within 72 hours prior to travel.

What is HES code in Turkey?

The HES code is a 10 or 12 digit number that you will use to obtain a ticket to travel within Turkey by public transport. The code is used to prevent and slow the spread of the Covid-19 virus. It provides information to passengers who have been exposed to the virus or who have been in contact with Covid-19 patients.

How can I get HES code from UK?

You can obtain a HES code by sending your passport details by SMS to 2023 in the following format: HES [space] Nationality (GBR) [space] passport number [space] year of birth [space] surname.

How long does a HES code last?

7 days Each HES code is valid only for a certain period or without time limit. The HES code expiry date must be at least 7 days after the last flight date on your ticket. Otherwise, your reservation will not be confirmed.

How do I activate my Istanbul Kart?

One of the Covid-19 measures is that you must activate your Istanbul Card from now on. To do this, you must link your HES code to your card. To do so, visit the Istanbul Kart website and fill in the form (in Turkish or English) to link your card. If done correctly, your card is immediately activated and ready to use.